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Selected Bibliography and Websites

Selected Bibliography



Baddiel, David: “The Secret Purposes”


Chappell, Connery: “Island of Barbed Wire”- The Remarkable Story of World War Two Internment on the Isle of Man. Forward by Sir Charles Kerruish 1984


Cook, Ida: “Safe Passage” - Autobiography. Foreword by Anne Sebba. Harlequin Mira


Cresswell, Yvonne M: “Living with the Wire”- Civilian Internment in the Isle of Man during the two World Wars


Dove, Richard: “Totally Un-English?” Britain’s Internment of Enemy Aliens in Two World Wars

Volume 7 of Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies – 2005


Epstein, Dr T Scarlett: “Swimming Upstream” - A Jewish Refugee from Vienna. Autobiography.

2005 Valentine Mitchell + Co Ltd


Franklin, Alan: “Involuntary Guests” – Enemy Aliens and Political Detainees on the Isle of Man in World War Two


Gal, Hans: “Music Behind Barbed Wire” - A diary of Summer 1940. Forward by Sir Alan Peacock.

Toccata Press. October 2014


Kasser, Moses Jakob: “The 87th Company, The Pioneer Corps” – A Mobile Military Jewish Community.





Association of Jewish Refugees    

B and F: the Jews in Albania                 

B’nai Br’ith International

Find my past

Gen Team

Imperial War Museum

Jewish Gen

Jewish Museum London

Jewish Virtual Library

Kenneth Woods Blog:  'A View from the Podium'

Manx National Heritage

Music and the holocaust

My Heritage

Second World War Experience Centre

The Hans Gal website

The Holocaust explained

The National Archives

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

The Warth Mills Project

The Wiener Holocaust Library

Trent Park HouseWikipedia

West Yorkshire Archive Service

World Jewish Relief

Yad Vashem: The World Holocaust Remembrance Center

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